Something in what BMW and Mercedes – Benz are also in agreement

Category: Education Created: 2013.03.18 19:22

Something in what BMW and Mercedes – Benz are also in agreement BMW and Mercedes – Benz are working on the prototype of an electric powered city minicar together: the aim of the development running on the Technical University Munich is to create such a city minicar which is the more lightweighted, but also safe at the same time.

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Not All Apparent Alternatives are Viable Ones

Category: Education Created: 2013.01.23 20:46

Not All Apparent Alternatives are Viable Ones Dr. Barna Hanula, head of the Vehicle Engineering Department Group jointly operated by the Széchenyi István University at Győr and the carmaker Audi Hungaria has devoted his whole life to engine development. Having recently returned to Hungary after working in Germany for two decades, the engineering expert is both excited and alarmed to see the route of development for alternative mobility. "Visionaries are promoting not only viable solutions but also many dead end streets" - he warns us.

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Let’s „hybrize” by ourselves!

Category: Education Created: 2012.11.30 11:34

Let’s „hybrize” by ourselves! Nowadays there can be already found in the supply of every respectable car factory also the hybrid drive – it's not accidental. But why just the new cars should live with this priviliege? We present a method almost any type of cars can be hybridized with.

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Entrust the guys: innovation 2.0

Category: Education Created: 2012.09.26 13:47

Entrust the guys: innovation 2.0 If a developing company is running out of ideas, the engineers wink with a preference for the young people. Wondering if the classical educational system is able to do something with the creativity of the students?

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Something in what BMW and Mercedes – Benz are also in agreement

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