Experience on cube: nice, smart and also strong

Jaguar XKX e-type conceptA new generation of electric roadster conception arrives into platform one. It's not worth talking much about the Jaguar XKX: everything for the eyes.

Jaguar XKX e-type concept

By the designing of the newcomer took the engineers of Jaguar the classic modell of the 1960's as a basis, and they struggled by fitting todays requirements to set the index into the middle in the visionary coordinate system of the above the average elegance and of the convincing power, possibly without compromises. The electric drive raises the stake even higher, and the result is in all respects fascinating.

Jaguar XKX e-type concept

Beside the „vintage" atmosphere, the environmentally friendly mode and the sporty dynamics also takes shape such an innovative aerodynamical conception in the XKX, thanks to which the body or the external hull of the car is passed around the undercarriage during the zippy travel across by the also zippy headwind. The effect is downforcing and energy reducing at the same time, as the significant part of the air hasn't got to be pushed out of the road. Moreover the airflow assists in the recharging of the battery, mainly by higher speeds. Even if it's not a perpetuum mobile, the solution is really smart.

The pictures speak for themselves...

Jaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type concept



Jaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type concept

Jaguar XKX e-type conceptJaguar XKX e-type concept

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