Also the pope believes in the future of the electric cars

Popemobile Electric RenaultThe journeys of the prevailing catholic Head of the Church don't count for a whatever cultic event. Even because of this it's not unsubstantial, that the clothes of the current pope is white, but his heart is green.

The papal mobility was still raised for a considerable level by John Paul II. the Great, as he wasn't that stay-at-home type contrary to his forefathers. In course of his hundreds of journeys he travelled around the whole world, he also visited Hungary two times. Since his attempted assassination in 1981 the popemobiles came more into the focus – the earlier, elegant, mostly opened limousines were relaid by white basic coloured rolling glass cages which emphasized the security.

Popemobile Electric Renault

His successor, Benedict XVI is held by many as expressly conservative, though if it's true for his teological approach, in direction of the vehicles this statement could hardly be tenable. Not accidentally that he is lovingly called as the „green pope" because of his sensibility to the environment protection, and his approach preferring the renewable energy resources shows up surely in case of the Vatican equipments, so in case of the popemobiles too.

So it can't be considered as a formal gesture, that during the summer two completely electric Renault Kangoos arrived as a donation of the French car plant for strenghtening the papal fleet. One was expressly equipped for the Head of the Church, with a luxury interior and an advantageously reduced box effect favouring the pope who is still giving a lot for the security. The other green Kangoo got into the usage of the Vatican police.

Popemobile Electric Renault

Though the cars equipped with 160 km range lithium – ion batteries are hardly suitable for longer trips, it suits the aim perfectly. They are comfortable, can perform many times the distance of the papal salutations, are spacious enough, still haven't got a bus effect. With their quiet, environmentally friendly operation they are expressly suitable for that, that through them more people can believe in this: we are able to make the world by small attentions nicer and full of life.

Electric RenaultRenault Electric/Diesel expense

It's not impossible of course, that behind the gentle gesture advertisement aims can be reckoned. Whether why exactly in time of the Head of the Church of German birth come the French to the front, pushing the accustomed Mercedes – Benz popemobiles into the background with this?

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