Five rings, four wheels, zero harmful emission

BMW London Olympics 2012On Olympics every trifle carries a message, every detail counts. The hosts of this years world games may have decided so that they will elect also 200 electric cars onto the official fleet of the event.

BMW London Olympics 2012

The organizers have to concentrate beside the visible competition programs of the Olimpics also on numerous, less focused tasks. Such is for example the travelling of the sportsmen and the delegations which represents even in point of the performed kilometers and the exhausted gases a considerable order of magnitude. Except if we choose the alternative solution, and as the sponsor of the XXX. Olympic Games the BMW has also delivered us the alternative, in 200 samples. Fairly exactly 160 BMW ActivE and 40 Mini E are serving beside the comfort of the passangers the silence and the clearness of the air of London and it's environs.

MINI London Olympics 2012

The common feature of the two vehicles is the not surprising, possibly not even sweeping acceleration: they could reach in 8,5 secs the 100 km/h, but now obviously they don't show off this kind of their strength. Not even the goods and public transportation is their primer function, as there are in the Mini only two seats included the driver's one, the ActivE could be optimal even for five persons. These electric cars are mostly present with the aim of approach forming, though – or even backing up this statement – in the UK these vehicles aren't available in commercial trade.

BMW London Olympics 2012

Which in turn is already available in the foggy, rainy island country, yet, it attracts on itself more attention and development in relation with the Olympics, this is the charging station system of the electric vehicles. Beside the already existing charging places new, more modern so called olympic charging points were set up by which e.g. the named electric BMWs can be charged just in four hours. Due to the great plans till 2013 at least 1300 charging points will be available for the e-drivers which is expressly a nice, promising data.

The question is if 200 „swallows" can make a summer, namely the trick of BMW may come off, that in the big media noise the spectators of the Olympics will observe the silence coming under the hood and all that, that this message represents. We are a little bit indecisive. But what's on the mind of our readers?

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