A strange marriage: Tesla, B-class?

Mercedes Benz B-class E-Cell PlusDaimler hasn't officially confirmed yet but it's quite probable that instead of the in-house range increasing attempts the green version of Mercedes Benz B-class lends the solution of Tesla.

Mercedes Benz B-class E-Cell Plus

In frames of the Frankfurt Motor Show 2011 was the Mercedes Benz E-Cell Plus conception car introduced in which that „plus" would be that they would complement the potentials of the battery capable to perform 100km with a 1 liter turbodiesel engine, adding further 400km to the moderate basic value.

Mercedes Benz B-class E-Cell

The conditional refers to that according to certain information Daimler changed it's „horses" and it equipes it's environmentally friendly vehicles with Tesla's drive train. Instead of the range increasing internal combustion direction the change to zero emission may mostly reasoned for that the German concern determined the primer market of E-Cell Plus in the circle of the overseas customers, and there in turn the even more greener conception is the really good point.

Mercedes Benz B-class E-Cell Plus

If the putting lies on real basis, this time a closer cooperation can be set between Daimler and Tesla, as there has already been a case in point of the Smart Fourtwo ED.

By now there's only one open question left: if it happens really like this then won't the Tesla create concurrency for it's S Model also presented by us, will it; or from the other side, why would the Americans choose the Mercedes, if there's – probably with the similar engine equipement – the Tesla S?

Mercedes Benz B-class concept blueZEROMercedes Benz B-class concept blueZERO

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